Jon Smart has hit headlines again this week with the news that he’s about to start with Englishman, Matt Wallace. Jon has a phenomenal caddying CV including the ultimate; The Masters, which he won in 2016 with Danny Willet. We’re delighted to spend a little bit of time asking a few (ir)relevant questions!
- At what point did you know you’d won the US Masters and can you describe how that felt?
It was when Jordan missed his putt on 17. Hard to describe anything after that because the next 2 hours were just a blur and I don’t think anything sunk in for a few weeks!
- Did you help Danny choose the menu for his dinner in 2017?
I didn’t but I was pleased to see he had some Sheffield on the menu with the addition of our beloved Henderson’s relish!
- Who’s the funniest golfer on tour?
Eddie Pepperell… but only on twitter!
- What’s your mid round snack of choice?
Max Golf Protein bar! Except if we’re at the Dunhill Links… then everything they have at the half-way houses! Sausage rolls, burgers, chocolate…as much as I can get!!
- What would you be if you weren’t a caddie?
I dread to think!
- You’re just about to start caddying for Matt Wallace, you must be looking forward to getting started?!
It’s always great to get started with a new player, every player has a different way of doing things and different strengths in their game. Starting out is fun, trying to understand where you can hopefully see some areas of their game that you can try and help with to make on course improvements.
- What do you feel are the strongest points to his game?
From what I have seen so far, I would say his attitude and desire to do well.
- What tournament are you most looking forward to with him this season?
The Omega European Masters at Crans-sur-Sierre, which will be our first event. Again, the first event out with a new player is always exciting! You learn so much in that first week, that you just can’t find out in practise.
And finally, but most importantly….
- Which is better… Caddieshack or Happy Gilmore?
Controversial… but Happy Gilmore!